The Brewers Association

The Brewers Association—the American trade group representing the interests of small and independent brewers—was looking for a big idea to promote their brewers seal. The seal is a logomark launched in 2017 to minimize confusion in the marketplace by identifying beers made by small and independent U.S. breweries.


Brand Strategy
Project Management
Video Production
Ad Campaign Design
Website Design
Social Media Content

Project Partners

Jimmy Pomerantz


Brand Strategy

This project began with a ton of interviews. We spent weeks speaking with committee members and other stakeholders about the brewers seal, discovering its limitations and opportunities.

From there we got to work brainstorming, and came up with five big ideas—each one reflecting internal feedback, our own strategic insight, and the project requirements from the BA.

Project Requirements:

“Scroll stopping” creative
Inspires member pride
Easily buildable; something that can be grown for the next 5 years

This Is Indie Beer


The BA chose a campaign called, This Is Indie Beer, a storytelling campaign with a simple message: there’re two kinds of beer: Indie and non-Indie.

This idea was born out of a desire to bifurcate the market. Straightforward, educational, easily understood, we trust consumers—once armed with knowledge—to make the choices that reflect their values.



A Unifying Logo & Identity Design

Now began the build. We had to get the team on board with new terminology (the use of the word Indie), create an internal Manifesto to achieve alignment, build out a messaging plan for the BA and its members, and create the campaign’s look and feel.

A modern, playful logomark that proves memorable without distracting from the stories it accompanies.

Project Management To Make It Happen

In order to coordinate the content we needed to tell these stories—we helped the BA pick seven breweries to visit and interview, highlighting each one and their variation of Indie Beer.

After a whirlwind six weeks of cross-country travel, we designed wireframes for the website, finalized web content including photography, video, and copy, and built out social assets for paid promotion.



The campaign is live now and we’ve trained the creative team at the BA to pick up the torch from here, so they can continue to tell the stories in this incredible patchwork of indie beer makers.


3 Sheeps Brewing

The Brewers Association