Hidden Hand Brewing

We came alongside the folks from Solemn Oath to build this new brand from the ground up. A brand personality workshop led into logo and packaging design. Hidden Hand is a new story unrestrained.


Brand Strategy
Voice & Tone
Logo & Identity
Label Design
Brand Standards

Logo & Identity Design For A Refined And Mysterious Position

For the Hidden Hand logo mark, we developed the stylized double H.

Elegant and modern it draws inspiration from 1960’s mid-century modern design with a subtle, secret society feel.

We landed on primary and secondary marks that could be used accordingly on packaging, social, and merch.


Storytelling Label Design

Each season of Hidden Hand beers is rooted in a thoroughly researched theme inspired by a specific time’s music, art, and culture. We build clues into the artwork, beer names, and social copy that speak into the theme. While nothing is overly communicated, the story is there for those who seek to find it.


The labels use a variation of custom die-cuts, substrates, and hand drawn type – an expansive playing field for expression held together by each established theme.

Find Hidden Hand near you.

Big Star Cocktails

Hidden Hand Brewing